Mencari kalimat Simple Past dan Past Continuous (Active & Passive)

Nama  : Tomi Rikkat                                    Prodi               : Sistem Komputer
NPM   : 26117674                                          Mata Kuliah  : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis
Kelas   : 2KB06                                             
Tugas  : Mencari kalimat Simple Past dan Past Continuous (A & P) dalam artikel
A.    Simple Past (Active Form)
1.      Other countries played their part in creating Euro currencies. But London, where many overseas banks had branches, became the home of the loosely regulated Eurodollar.
2.      He named this the London interbank offer rate, or Libor.
3.      We started something which was practical and convenient.
B.     Simple Past (Passive Form)
1.      Even regulators admit privately they were taken aback by the public and political backlash, which forced out four top Barclays directors, sparked a fraud squad probe and a string of reviews into what has been dubbed “the crime of the century”.
2.      The wave of oversees dollars was triggered in part by the costs of the Vietnam War and U.S. trade deficit and fears the Berlin blockade would prompt the United States to freeze Soviet deposits on American soil.
3.      “Across much of Europe you saw almost the application of biblical justice, which is if you’re a bank, you’re bad, so let’s penalise you, as opposed to let’s make you healthy again,” says Mr Diamond, who was pushed out by regulators as Barclays chief executive in 2012 and now runs private equity funds that buy assets from banks.
C.    Past Continuous (Active Form)
1.      After all, banks were lending money at those rates rather than borrowing it.
2.      Meanwhile, banks were borrowing ever more of their own funding from credit markets, meaning they might have had an incentive to push Libor rates lower.
3.      Zombanakis was running the newly-opened London branch of Manufacturer’s Hanover, now part of JPMorgan, when the bank organized one of the first syndicated loans pegged to what he dubbed a London interbank offered rate (Libor) in 1969.

D.    Past Continuous (Passive Form)
1.      The $80 million loan, for the Shah of Iran, embodied the way cross-border financial markets that had been effectively closed since 1929 were being prized open - sowing the seeds for London to flourish as a global financial center.
2.      But as shares in the biggest US banks were being pounded by waves of panic about which might collapse next, few could imagine then how the implosion of the debt-fuelled housing bubble would ultimately result in the US financial sector surging back stronger than ever.
3.      The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) have also come to the bank’s defence saying it was being victimised and called on finance minister Nhlanhla Nene to not agree to the curatorship.


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